
The Cork: Corgi/Shark Plush

Created by Meg

For those who missed the kickstarter campaign, we're opening it up for those who still really want to order a Cork! If you have any questions regarding shipping, details about the plush etc, please refer to the Kickstarter Campaign page. That has everything laid out in detail for you! To keep things simple, we are not offering the different tiers that came with the campaign. And, of course, if you end up having any questions or need guidance, please don't hesitate to reach out and ask! ***Your pre-order will be locked within a few days of you placing it. This means you cannot change your order or card information. Then 24 hours after your order is locked your card will be charged. We will lock in addresses closer to delivery date***

Latest Updates from Our Project:

over 1 year ago – Wed, May 24, 2023 at 09:54:23 AM


We're hosting preorders on our Shopify Store and you can buy just the Cork Plush or the Cork Bundle, which includes some extra goodies!


The Cork is already in production and our manufacturer has a 4-6 month window for completion before the Cork will be shipped to our warehouse. From there it will take a few weeks to a month for us to receive, pack, and ship out all pre-orders.

Tentatively we're looking at an expected ship date of October-November. We will remain transparent and open with everyone on the progress of the Cork and an updated timeline can be found on our Pre-order Site.


Please keep in mind that some countries also charge VAT fees that range anywhere from 5%-20% of the purchase. These fees will be the customer's responsibility to pay for once the package arrives to its destination. Click here to see what your country's VAT percentage is to get a better idea of the charge.

Return of the Cork!
over 1 year ago – Wed, May 17, 2023 at 11:46:56 AM

We are restocking the Cork!

We are still so blown away by the popularity of the Cork and are excited to get it back in our shop ^_^

Our manufacturing is already at work getting our new order together and we'll be opening up preorders on our site soon. If you want to stay in the know and receive alerts on when the Cork Preorder will be available, please sign up for our newsletter here

As always, we're so thankful for your support and are excited we have the opportunity to keep bringing Mashables to life!

<3 Meg & Kayla

Looking Back & Looking Forward
over 2 years ago – Fri, Jul 08, 2022 at 04:38:15 PM

Hello, friendos! 

Can you believe the Cork Kickstarter is ofishally one year old?! 

It's still so surreal to look back on this wild ride, but as a way to say thank you and help celebrate the year we've had, I put together a short video highlighting the Cork's journey and wanted to share it with you all:

So...what's next from Meg's Mashables?

We've already been hard at work on the next project and have partnered with Squishable again to make another plush: the prehistorically adorable TRICATATOPS! A triceratops mashed with a cat! Because who doesn't love dinosaurs and cats?! This is the first member of the series Purrasic Park to become a plush! And you can bet your fluffs that there is another bop of a song and awesome video for this one as well.

The Kickstarter will be launching soon:

As we did with the Cork, there will be a special Day One Promo tier, so be sure to hit the "Notify me on launch" button on that page to stay up-to-date on the project! It's super helpful for us to have people following the preview page as well, so we are forever grateful for you to join that list!

The Cork was such a fun adventure that showed not only how amazing this community is but the wonderful potential Meg's Mashables has as a brand. I am beyond thrilled to be sharing yet another saga for this next plush! Can't wait to see where this next launch takes us. Kayla (my mystical marketing wizard behind the scenes that makes this all look good) and I are stoked and ready to bring the next plush to the mashie community! Thank you all for being such a fundamental power, pushing Mashables to great heights. You are all beyond wonderful. 

-Meg <3  

Shipping Issues and what to do/expect
almost 3 years ago – Tue, Jan 04, 2022 at 07:32:05 PM

Happy New Year Cork fam!

Now that the corks are almost all shipped, it's been amazing and humbling seeing so many corks get into the hands of their new families! And goodness the names you are all coming up with *chef's kiss*. (Shout out to the Cork named The Great Betty White) 

Most seem to be having no issues, but to those who are having problems I wanted to provide some tools to help! We ended up shipping the majority with FedEx because they had some amazing rates for faster shipping times compared to what USPS was going to provide during the holiday season.  We went with USPS for those who were international (excluding Australia/New Zealand) and those with PO boxes. We also discovered a way to ship to Australia/New Zealand despite Covid restrictions by choosing to pay an extra $9 per order to make sure our Australian friends got their corks too (we made that choice happily). 

Broken Tracking Links: We are aware that the tracking links are sending people to a "page not found" on FedEx. That seems to be a broken link from being transferred from one platform to another with no real easy fix. BUT the good news is that the tracking number IN that link is indeed your tracking number, so you can copy and paste it into FedEx's tracking system and find out the delivery status. Sorry for the extra step, but if you need help with tracking, feel free to reach out!

Lost Packages: We worked very hard leading up to shipping day to ensure that all addresses were validated and confirmed. I even went through the ones that the system said it had problems with and emailed backers individually to verify that their address was correct before sending the corks. This being said, lost packages happen. Especially at this volume. At this point in the game, the control is completely out of our hands. For lost packages, it will be differed to FedEx/USPS and their process. We cannot refund pledges this late in the game. BUT, this does not mean we're not willing to work with you! We will help you talk to FedEx, we will discuss options in how to get you your cork. We won't leave you out to dry after all of this, promise! We just ask for your patience, especially our international backers as customs are tough to deal with. We'll get you taken care of! 

It's been amazing seeing everyone tagging Meg's Mashables on social and seeing you all! Thank you again! Keep a look out for one more update as a final wrap up of this crazy adventure! Let's go 2022!

-Meg and team <3

The Corks on on their way!
almost 3 years ago – Sun, Dec 26, 2021 at 05:35:53 PM


After a few days of long hours, so many wonderful volunteers, and numerous FedEx pick-ups because there wasn't enough room in the first trucks 😢  almost all of the Corks have been packaged and sent!!! 

(All except for our Austrailia/New Zealand, Austria and a few other countries as we're still working through shipping restrictions that are unfortunately out of our control 🥺  A few orders also had unrecognizable addresses or issues with PO Boxes not fitting the size of the package, so if your's is affected we'll be reaching out to you individually in the coming week!

A BIG shout out to all the volunteers of family and friends that came together and packed 900+ packages in 48 hours. Though so many things didn't go to plan, so many stressful last minute "wait, what?!" moments, there were also a lot of amazing things that lined up perfectly to make this all happen.

A a very very very big thank you to Kayla who has been my ride or die through this whole campaign. I seriously don't want to know how this would turn out without her help. So THANK YOU KAYLA! 

(top) Chris and Kayla work on packaging orders under the watchful eyes of the Cork Supervisors! (bottom) holy packages, corkman! We managed to fill multiple rooms with all the boxes!

When can you expect your Cork: As of now, you should be seeing tracking info rolling in from either FedEx or USPS. Keep in mind that both companies are still coming out of a crazy holiday week, but Corks should start arriving to you starting next week if you're in the US and sometime in early 2022 for our international friends. 

Adoption certificate: Here is a link to access the Adoption Certificate PDF

Kitty lookin skeptical of their new housemate

Once you get your Cork: Traveling is hard for everyone - including the adorable Cork! When you first unbox them, they might need a little fluffing up to get their shape back.

We would absolutely LOVE it if you shared pictures of your new Mashables friend on social! You can find Meg's Mashables on all major social channels under @megsmashables and be sure to add the hashtags #corkstarter and #mashables -- tag us and use those hashtags so we can see your Cork and share!

What's next? If you have any trouble or need any help, please don't hesitate to reach out! 

As we look to the new year, we'd love to do another stuffed Mashables or two! For now though, we're going to take a much-needed break 😅  But don't worry, we won't be gone long and are excited to bring you more cute things in the new year! 

We've said it so many times, but THANK YOU! Seriously. This has been such an incredible (although sometimes stressful) and utterly unforgettable experience and we couldn't have done it without you ❤️ We are so SO grateful to you all!

Kayla and Meg snag a picture with the Corks <3

Thank you all so much! Happy holidays and have a Corky New Year!

-Meg and team <3